About Us
On December 4, 1987, the marriage made by Mario and Ady, willing to work, with great determination and full of illusions, they decided to start a culinary dream and start his own business in the area near the Poas Volcano.
That was how, with the help of God, born El Churrasco Hotel Restaurant, the proud founders, worked hard and dedication to achieve open space and consolidate a name, in the competitive market for services and restaurants of this beautiful tourist area, just as with all new ventures that are inserted in a trade and dynamism of such features.
At the beginning, it was a small restaurant that was only 8 tables and a small open grill; latter, to give support and to the philosophy of Mario, in the sense that each customer has access and the possibility of observing food handling, as well as the high hygiene requirements in the handling of products, which subsequently serve in the table of each of the diners. This vision of integrity and transparency has remained over the years and today it is one of the pillars on which rests the prestige and quality of the restaurant El Churrasco.
Gradually these standards of quality and service, fame and recognition were given to the restaurant and thus increased customer volume, accompanied by new adaptation needs in many tables, space and particularly in expanding the menu, always within margins strict quality and taste that are the base of our restaurant.
Today also the dining experience, Mario and Ady, offer a comfortable and warm hotel, which is conjugated as a perfect alternative for sightseeing without leaving the comforts of home. Therefore, the invitation of the owners, to visit El Churrasco Hotel and Restaurant, who personally attend while enjoying the beautiful scenery offered by the Poas Volcano.
Then come… rest with us, will be happy to assist you!!!